communications skills

Recruitment Manager Spotlight: Lisa DeMar

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Recruitment Manager Lisa DeMar spreads the message about Dardis Academy in the state of Michigan, showing students that the Classroom to Career internship program provides the tools, training and real world experience to succeed in all areas of life. In our latest Recruitment Manager Spotlight, she explains why Dardis Academy is on the cutting edge:

Why should students spend time now focusing on their future careers?
It is so important for students to take full advantage of every opportunity they can during their college career to better themselves for their first steps into the real world. If they don’t take advantage of it, the student next to them will!

What is the greatest benefit of the Dardis Classroom to Career internship program?
The competitive advantage the student gains in multiple facets of life. They will walk away with excellent communication and presentation tools that will benefit them in many areas of their life, as well as the confidence of knowing that they have taken that extra step toward a successful future.

In one word, what’s Dardis all about?
Cutting edge. (Well, I guess that’s two!)

What is one piece of career advice you give to college students?
As you enter the workforce, know that there are hundreds of other equally qualified graduates vying for that same entry level job with the same tenacity. Knowing you have taken those extra steps to better yourself and your resume will give you the confidence in the interview process to stand out. The applicant who cannot articulate why they are the better candidate in the interview will not be getting the job offer!

What can interns expect to learn in the Dardis Academy?
In the Dardis Academy, the student will gain essential communication skills to succeed in life. Whether the student has modest or extravagant future goals, having the necessary skills in communication, presentation and professional image will give that student the confidence to succeed!

Why are you passionate about the Dardis mission?
Dardis has given students, at such a critical time in their lives, the opportunity to develop and attain high level communication skills and self-management tools. Obtaining these skills and having the ability to apply them in a real-world setting is crucial for overall success in life.

How can students contact you for more information?
Students in in the great state of Michigan can learn more about this exceptional opportunity by contacting me at or calling 269-330-3271.

Strengthening Relationships Through Meaningful Conversations

By | Leadership | No Comments

As business professionals, we talk a lot.  From conference calls to client meetings to the water cooler, we discuss not only business need but our personal lives.  While any professional can talk, it takes a well-trained employee to engage in meaningful conversations, no matter what the topic.

Whether you are an up and coming professional or a seasoned business person, think about the most engaging leaders in your world.  How do they speak to others?  How do they lead meetings and discuss critical issues?  At the end of the day, how they do they get the job done?

Successful leaders know how to engage others in conversation and then contribute their own ideas effectively, which is why we focus on communication in the Dardis Academy.  Even in a world of email and social media, young professionals still need to learn how to brainstorm, discuss and then sell in person.

2013 summer intern Katelyn Wheeldon already knows that the active listening techniques and communications skills she learned in the Academy will benefit her future career:

“I learned that the number one complaint about salespeople is that they talk too much, which made me try to ask open-ended questions and listen to my customers.  Also, learning how to cut out filler words through eye contact helped me give effective presentations and talk to large groups of people,” she said.

Communications training sets the foundation for meaningful conversations in the workplace, which fosters productive interactions.  These interactions are not only positive for employee engagement, but more importantly, they positively impact the company’s bottom line.

Meaningful conversations do not have to be heavy or riddled with lofty words.  LinkedIn contributor John Hall recently posted 13 simple ways that employees can have more meaningful conversations on the company’s blog:

  1. Don’t get too excited about your next thought.
  2. Ask good questions that show you’re engaged.
  3. Do your homework without being creepy.
  4. Try to genuinely relate.
  5. Don’t waste people’s time.
  6. Let people sell themselves.
  7. Ask how you can add value.
  8. Do what you can to help.
  9. Reach out in meaningful ways.
  10. Decrease personal barriers.
  11. Listen and remember key points.
  12. Hold back on sharing how awesome you are.
  13. Recognize other people.

Developing a habit for meaningful conversations does not happen overnight.  Focus on one or two of these simple steps this work week and see how your business thrives.

Photo credit: Victor1558, Flickr

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