making a sale

Dardis Interns Make Connections To Succeed

By | Classroom to Career | No Comments

“The more people I know and have a relationship with, the more opportunities I have.”

Cameron James, a University of Iowa junior, has already learned the key to success through the Dardis Classroom to Career internship program and his future career. As a member of Team Iowa, Cam continues to use this summer experience and the skills he learned in the Dardis Academy to form new connections and make the most of current relationships.

As a former intern for a local financial services company, he knew that many of his colleagues would benefit from the quality Dardis professional clothing, so he made a visit to his old office.

“I’ve been able to be successful selling a lot of clothing solely because of the relationships I’ve built with the people there,” he said.

For Harmony Kapp, a Missouri State University sophomore, perseverance and organization is crucial to building quality business relationships.

“Successful territory management is being on top of things and sticking to a specific schedule,” she said, especially with many busy professionals not responding to emails or voicemails.

Western Illinois University senior Giuliano Rizzi follows that same mentality when approaching his territory of Illinois.

“During the internship, the one thing I learned about managing your territory is that you have to put yourself out there and talk with as many people as possible,” he said. “The more people and companies you talk to, the more you are going to succeed.”

Giuliano has had to address his fear of public speaking, and through the internship, he has been able to overcome this challenge to be successful now and later in the business world.

“With the confidence that I gained, I was able to meet and talk to people that I never would have talked to if it wasn’t for the internship,” he said.

Our Dardis interns are working hard this summer to connect with new professionals and make sales while kick-starting their careers. Stay tuned for a blog post highlighting our overall 2014 sales leaders!

Dardis Key to Success: Selling and Negotiation Skills

By | The Dardis difference | No Comments

Before our summer interns head to their local communities to begin selling the Dardis product, they complete a week-long, executive-level training program to prepare them for their internship experience and most importantly, their careers. Through this unique opportunity, students learn the real-world skills that they need to succeed with Dardis and beyond. These keys to success range from presentation skills to business etiquette and more.

This month on the Dardis Academy blog, we will feature these keys to success and showcase how these skills will give students the tools they need to succeed in the workplace.

Selling techniques

Sales skills sit at the heart of business. No matter what role you currently serve in or what your career aspirations may be, your work will focus on selling something – a product, an idea or even your skills and experience. At Dardis, our product happens to be professional clothing, and we train our interns thoroughly on our product so they know the detailed features and benefits, as well as the apparel industry and the fashion trends, so that they can serve as experts during the selling process.

This foundation allows them to engage in an effective sale by first listening to the client’s needs and then providing a solution to meet their needs. Effective selling is relational, and we challenge our interns to ask the right questions and work as a partner, not an overbearing sales person. We draw upon years of experience through Dardis Communications training high-level executives to educate our interns on effective selling techniques that will close the deal.

Closing and negotiation skills

To be successful, the right selling techniques must match the right closing and negotiation skills. Very few sales are simple and straightforward, so Dardis interns learn in the Dardis Academy to effectively close their presentation and if needed, navigate through the negotiation process. We train our interns to first recommend the right sale to close the deal, and we also train them to respond to challenges that will undoubtedly arise. Negotiation skills take years to develop, so we encourage interns to see each sale as a learning opportunity, even if they don’t complete the sale.

By giving students the tools they need to successfully sell our quality Dardis attire, they can experience, first-hand, the thrill and challenge of the sales process and prepare themselves for a future career armed with this key to success.

Photo credit: Brenda-Starr via Flickr

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