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Recruitment Manager Spotlight: Bryan Feilen

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In our first Recruitment Manager Spotlight for 2014, Bryan Feilen describes how the Classroom to Career internship program sets the path to a successful future for students in his territory of Indiana and beyond.

Why should students spend time now focusing on their future careers?
Students should always look to gain a competitive edge, which is pertinent to gaining individual success in the future. You shouldn’t be the student that isn’t participating in anything while your peers are gaining experience.

What is the greatest benefit of the Dardis Classroom to Career internship program?
Students can use the fundamentals we provide through training in every professional avenue. Putting the fundamentals to work through the internship will display their new level of professionalism while networking with executives that they may want to work for after they graduate.  There isn’t a better way to build your professional network than through an internship that puts you in front of the people that will interview you after graduation.

In one word, what’s Dardis all about?

What is one piece of career advice you give to college students?
Don’t fall victim to complacency. Change in routine, striving for a promotion, trying something new or seeking a new job is exactly what creates success. Lastly, change is constant. Monitor the things around you and make sure they are things, people or groups that will help you move forward. Always strive to move in the direction of success.

What can interns expect to learn in the Dardis Academy?
Students can expect a rigorous week of training. Training isn’t solely focused on our great product, but mostly focused on the fundamentals of being an effective communicator. This is the key to being an outstanding leader and professional.

Why are you passionate about the Dardis mission?
The key components of our mission are the components that create successful individuals. We provide the opportunity to gain independence, confidence, goal setting and self-motivation. These are the attributes of successful individuals. These are the same components I tried to instill in students and student athletes at the high school level as a high school teacher. It’s a blessing to be a part of a company that is striving to instill these same attributes through an internship program.

How can students contact you for more information?
Please don’t hesitate to contact me directly. I’m very passionate about development and look forward to assisting students during this professional journey. My email is and phone is 317-306-0524.

Become a Dardis Career Partner today

By | Food for thought | No Comments

Successful companies reach their goals and achieve positive results because of the employees that make up their workforce.  They are the most effective brand ambassadors, the heart of the company and a key measure of success.  But how do companies find the best talent?

Dardis trains the best of the best every year and interacts directly with the leaders of today, as well as the leaders of tomorrow.  Through the Career Partner Program, companies and organizations have the opportunity to connect to those leaders who are trained, motivated and most importantly, proven.

All Dardis Academy interns complete an extensive skills-based training course before embarking on a summer internship that gives them invaluable sales experience that can apply to any field.

Companies that participate in the Career Partner Program can meet students from the Academy, and then work with our Recruitment Managers to fill openings through our resume database.  For only the cost of a few recruiting events, you can have access to people with executive-level training through Dardis Communications, as well as our interns with proven sales and marketing experience.

A 2012 study by the Center for American Progress shows just how costly it is to replace an employee –whether the employee is unqualified, a poor fit or lacks the skills necessary to perform the job assigned.

  • For all positions except executives and physicians, the median cost of turnover was 21 percent of an employee’s annual salary.
  • For workers earning less than $50,000 annually, which covers three-quarters of all workers in the United States, a typical cost of turnover is 20 percent of a salary, the same as across positions earning $75,000 a year or less, which includes 9 in 10 U.S. workers.

By hiring qualified individuals with a track record of success, you can eliminate additional costs and time by retaining quality employees.

Contact us today to learn more about the Dardis Career Partner Program, and be prepared to bolster your talent base with qualified – and proven – candidates.


Photo credit: Image courtesy of SOMMAI /


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