
3 Ways to Overcome the Communication Shortfall

By | Career Advice | No Comments

The newest entrants to the business world, the millennial generation, are most comfortable communicating through texts and social media channels. But in the business world, all professionals need to effectively communicate in person, beginning with interviewing and landing the job and on to managing the day-to-day grind.

Eighty-nine percent of employers say they want colleges to place more emphasis on oral and written communication to help address this gap, according to a study by the Association of American Colleges & Universities.

You can take steps now as a college student to use the opportunities available to you to ramp up your communication skills in preparation for your career. To overcome the communication shortfall, start by:

Learning proper etiquette

Communication isn’t only verbal. Employers look for candidates that actively listen and maintain eye contact through a conversation. Use your classes as a practice field for honing these important skills, and learn how to ask smart questions.

In our digital world, it’s crucial to craft professional emails and respond succinctly. You also need exposure to proper meeting etiquette. Shadow a business member in your local community and sit in on a group meeting. Watch how the participants engage with each other and respond to any issues that may arise.

Learning how to present

Proper presentation techniques can mean the difference between a worthwhile opportunity and a period of time that each member of the audience wishes they could get back. Intentionally prepare for each class presentation – know the material, speak slowly and focus on the audience – to set the foundation for future business presentations.

Take an intro class on how to develop PowerPoint or Prezi presentations for a corporate audience and also read up on tips for hosting online webinars and conference calls. New grads lack this type of business prowess, so you will differentiate yourself in the interviewing process and impress your new boss on day one.

Learning how to sell

One of the key ways to overcome the communication shortfall is to learn how to sell an idea, a project and most importantly, yourself. You bring skills and expertise to everything you do, and beginning with your interview, you need to learn how to showcase what you have to offer in order to succeed.

Engaging, dynamic professionals stand out in one-to-one conversations, as well as large industry events. Rehearse your elevator speech, learn something new every day and look to each interaction as an opportunity to clearly articulate the impact you can make. Selling takes confidence and beginning with your college experience, you can develop the selling skills that employers will notice.

Recruitment Manager Spotlight: Samantha Kheim

By | Someone you should know | No Comments

As the weather changes and the holiday season looms around the corner, summer internship opportunities may be far from your mind.  Summer may be months away, but now is the time to explore your options to enhance your resume and prepare yourself for your post-graduation career.

At Dardis Academy, we have a team of recruitment managers dedicated to keeping your summer 2014 internship top of mind.  These recruitment managers tour their designated regions to attend career fairs, college information sessions and more to promote the unique Classroom to Career internship program with Dardis.

We will feature our recruitment managers regularly on this blog to share the true spirit of Dardis and encourage you or a college student in your life to apply for this life-changing internship!  Applications must be processed by May 1, but space is limited, so don’t delay!

In our first recruitment manager spotlight, we introduce Samantha Kheim:

What is the greatest benefit of the Dardis Classroom to Career internship program?
The ability to apply skills from the Academy as an entrepreneur.  I am also very excited to see young adults start their professional networking early on.

What sets the Dardis internship apart from other internship opportunities?
In most internships, students find themselves only exposed to the company through what they hear and see when they are making copies.  With Dardis, they are the business.

Why do you think it’s important for students to gain real life career experience while in college?
The #1 quality that employers look for on a resume is real world experience.  Even if your extracurricular activities and GPA are off the charts, they want to find someone who have proven experience getting a job done.

What Dardis intern success stories do you share with prospective interns?
My favorite success story is Elliot Salter.  Elliot went through the Dardis Academy in 2013 and was one of our top-sellers.  He is an example of working smart.  Elliott made $3,200 in a summer, when many of his peers were sitting at home.  He did all of that in about 30 hours per week.

In one word, what’s Dardis all about?

Where can students find you?
Culver-Stockton College, UMSL, Washington University, SLU, Webster University, Truman State University and more to come!

How can students contact you for more information?
Call me at 636.233.2189 or email any time at

Strengthening Relationships Through Meaningful Conversations

By | Leadership | No Comments

As business professionals, we talk a lot.  From conference calls to client meetings to the water cooler, we discuss not only business need but our personal lives.  While any professional can talk, it takes a well-trained employee to engage in meaningful conversations, no matter what the topic.

Whether you are an up and coming professional or a seasoned business person, think about the most engaging leaders in your world.  How do they speak to others?  How do they lead meetings and discuss critical issues?  At the end of the day, how they do they get the job done?

Successful leaders know how to engage others in conversation and then contribute their own ideas effectively, which is why we focus on communication in the Dardis Academy.  Even in a world of email and social media, young professionals still need to learn how to brainstorm, discuss and then sell in person.

2013 summer intern Katelyn Wheeldon already knows that the active listening techniques and communications skills she learned in the Academy will benefit her future career:

“I learned that the number one complaint about salespeople is that they talk too much, which made me try to ask open-ended questions and listen to my customers.  Also, learning how to cut out filler words through eye contact helped me give effective presentations and talk to large groups of people,” she said.

Communications training sets the foundation for meaningful conversations in the workplace, which fosters productive interactions.  These interactions are not only positive for employee engagement, but more importantly, they positively impact the company’s bottom line.

Meaningful conversations do not have to be heavy or riddled with lofty words.  LinkedIn contributor John Hall recently posted 13 simple ways that employees can have more meaningful conversations on the company’s blog:

  1. Don’t get too excited about your next thought.
  2. Ask good questions that show you’re engaged.
  3. Do your homework without being creepy.
  4. Try to genuinely relate.
  5. Don’t waste people’s time.
  6. Let people sell themselves.
  7. Ask how you can add value.
  8. Do what you can to help.
  9. Reach out in meaningful ways.
  10. Decrease personal barriers.
  11. Listen and remember key points.
  12. Hold back on sharing how awesome you are.
  13. Recognize other people.

Developing a habit for meaningful conversations does not happen overnight.  Focus on one or two of these simple steps this work week and see how your business thrives.

Photo credit: Victor1558, Flickr

A Successful Summer for Patrick Gibbs

By | Someone you should know | No Comments

Our top sales leader for the 2013 Classroom to Career summer internship program, Patrick Gibbs, took a break from selling to share his perspective on his Dardis experience.  With sales totaling nearly $16,000 and priceless hours of on-the-job experience, it’s clear that Patrick had a successful summer.

How would you describe your Dardis Classroom to Career internship program experience in one word?
I think my summer is actually best described in two words – challenging and rewarding.  The summer was not easy, as every day was a new challenge, whether it was unexpected rejection or just finding the motivation to keep calling and stopping in places.

Overcoming these challenges was, by far, the most rewarding feeling that I’ve had.  Seeing that I was able to address obstacles and overcome them for both personal and financial reward left me feeling accomplished at the end of every day.

What was your most memorable sale of the summer?
For my last sale in June, I had to drive an hour and a half to Iowa City.  Two appointments had cancelled, and I was making the trip for one potential client.  The week had been long, and my sales were far lower than I wanted for that week.  I thought about rescheduling, but decided the morning of that I had made a commitment and would follow through.  The client asked if I would mind if his business partner also sat in, which I was more than happy to accommodate.  After the consultation, I determined that their needs together added up to the Elite Package.

I proposed that they take advantage of that package pricing and split it with just a few modifications.  They accepted, and I was the first person in the history of the company to sell our largest package option.  Needless to say, selling $4,257 worth of merchandise in one sitting was more than worth that trip!  This meant more to me than just a big sale because it reminded me to keep my head up when times got challenging and that hard work will always pay off in the end!

Would you recommend this internship program to your peers?
I would recommend this program to any of my peers.  No matter what your major is or where you want to end up in life, this internship will make you better prepared.  I had always considered myself a salesman by nature and very personable, and I was amazed at how much my interpersonal communication ability grew from the Dardis Academy and then practicing Greg Dardis’ training in the field.  The skills that you learn in the Dardis Classroom to Career internship program will prove to be what sets you apart from the rest of the pack in any career or lifestyle!

Regarding the Academy,  I was not looking forward to 40 hours of training, and I had not been a fan of any professional training that I had gotten before.  I expected to be bored and learn redundant information, but Greg and his entire team captivated me the entire time.  I can easily say that I learned more applicable skills in the Academy than three years of college.  This was an amazing opportunity, and I am so thankful that I gave this program a try.  I know that I learned skills that I will use for my entire life!

Congratulations, Patrick, on your successful summer!

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