real world experience

College Senior: Set Goals, Learn to Sell to Succeed

By | Someone you should know | No Comments

University of Northern Iowa senior Ty Flood eagerly anticipates graduation this spring. With a degree in marketing, this Des Moines native credits his real world experience with Dardis for laying a foundation for a successful career post-college.

Ty shares his first-hand internship experience, encouraging other college students to “become comfortable with being uncomfortable” to grow and succeed in their careers.

Describe your experience with Dardis.
My internship with Dardis was hands-down one of the biggest learning experiences that I have ever had. The internship was challenging, but incredibly rewarding. Not only did I learn a lot about myself, but I had the opportunity to connect with many successful people in the Des Moines area.

What was one of the most important lessons you learned through the Dardis program?
One of the biggest lessons that the internship instilled in me is the importance of goal setting. There will be days where you hit the ground running, but there will be days when you don’t feel like a million bucks. Through setting goals, you will always have something to stride toward.

What kind of skills do you feel are most important for college students to learn through internships and volunteer work before graduation?
A skill that is critically important for any college student to learn is the ability to sell. No matter what walk of life that you travel down, you are going to have to sell yourself and your ideas to peers, leadership or customers. Every day, you are constantly selling your credibility.

What are your goals for the future? How has Dardis helped you work toward these short-term and long-term goals?
Currently, my short-term goal is to attain a full-time sales position before graduation. Through both the week-long seminar and the nine-week internship, I gained skills in oral, and written communication, as well as professional image and sales skills. This has been incredibly helpful in interviews. I received true business experience through this internship.

Ultimately, a long-term goal would be to start and run my own business. Dardis has prepared me for this by giving me a taste of what the entrepreneurial life is like by building a customer list and fulfilling their needs.

What advice do you have for other undergraduate students as they prepare for their careers?
Become comfortable with being uncomfortable. As a young professional, a lot of things are going to be new to us. Don’t shy away from these new things. Hunt them down and hit it head-on because that’s the only way that we can grow.

12 Days of Christmas for College Students

By | Career Advice | No Comments

Christmas shopping, cookie baking and family events dominate the holiday season, but these prized weeks during December can also represent a break from the rigorous class, homework and work routine that college students must juggle each semester.

While students may feel tempted to stay glued to Netflix over Christmas break, they can make the most of this time by completing a simple activity each day to prepare them for the upcoming semester and their future careers.

On the first day of Christmas:
Set your short-term goals for the upcoming semester. Make sure they are SMART (specific, measurable, assignable, realistic and time-related).

On the second day of Christmas:
Create or update your LinkedIn profile to establish your social media presence and connect with colleagues, friends and family to expand your network.

On the third day of Christmas:
Research professional business organizations on campus or in your community and commit to attending the next meeting or event in the new year.

On the fourth day of Christmas:
Subscribe to a professional print or online publication that will expose you to new trends and thought leaders in the industry.

On the fifth day of Christmas:
Explore summer internship opportunities to gain real world experience and better yet, apply early and contact the company’s HR rep to show your interest.

On the sixth day of Christmas:
Identify a mentor through your network of family and friends that can guide you through your post-college job search and beyond.

On the seventh day of Christmas:
Complete an online personality or skills test to help you better understand your strengths and weaknesses in your personal life and in the workplace.

On the eighth day of Christmas:
Commit to a professional development opportunity like the Dardis Academy training simulation to give you a competitive advantage in the job market.

On the ninth day of Christmas:
Give back to your community and volunteer at a non-profit that you can stay connected to beyond the holiday season.

On the tenth day of Christmas:
Update your resume to include all of your relevant job experience and have a trusted business professional provide feedback on the format and content.

On the eleventh day of Christmas:
Establish three to five long-term career goals that you can work toward over the next five to ten years and post them in a prominent location in your dorm room or apartment.

On the twelfth day of Christmas:
As your first lesson in work-life balance, sit back and relax with a hot cup of cocoa – you’ve earned it!

Photo credit: Jamie McCaffrey via Flickr

What Are Employers Looking For Anyway?

By | Career Advice | No Comments

Young professionals entering the job market for the first time face the daunting task of proving to employers that they have the education, skills and potential to succeed at a position without the relevant work history.

So without a loaded resume to lean on, what are hiring managers looking for from young professionals and what will get you the job?

One LinkedIn researcher partnered with the organization Circumventure and surveyed 1,400 hiring managers from Fortune 500 countries to identify which skills and personality traits are most important when hiring young professionals. The results paint a telling picture about the importance of soft skills and the right attitude and mindset when entering the business world – all important components of the Dardis Academy training experience.


Based on the LinkedIn survey, hiring managers rank problem-solving (finding solutions when faced with challenges) and being a good learner (learning new skills quickly) as the most important skills they look for in hiring young professionals.


Personality Traits

The survey results also show that hiring managers look for young professionals that are collaborative, work hard and have a positive attitude.


The job you’re applying for will also impact the kind of skills and personality traits that you should share in an interview, as the research shows that the importance of specific skills and personality traits varies by the exact role they’re hiring for. Working toward a sales role? Focus on your oral communication skills and maintain a positive attitude. Hoping to land a marketing or public relations gig? Research shows that creativity, passion for the work and strong written communication are key.

Through Dardis Academy, students have the opportunity to learn the soft skills they need to achieve in the real world and actually apply their new skills in a six-week business simulation. When applying for their first job, Dardis Academy grads can describe to employers how the elite training experience taught them important professional communication skills and other important real-world business skills like preparing for and scheduling meetings, delivering business presentations, learning from audience evaluation and feedback and summarizing presentation takeaways.

To learn more about this opportunity to set yourself apart from the rest, click here.

Photo credit: bpsusf via Flickr

Interns Reflect on Summer Success

By | Classroom to Career | No Comments

The 2014 Dardis Classroom to Career summer internship program came to a close earlier this month, but the impact of this real-world business experience will carry our interns through their entire careers. Many participants completed sales early on in the process and stretched that momentum through the summer. For others, they faced and overcame challenges to learn lessons they can apply in their first job and beyond.

Kendall Hendrix, a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, attributes her offer for a full-time position with a financial services company after graduation to the Dardis Academy.

“Dardis was the sole reason this door was opened to me and is the reason I was able to further refine my interests and ambitions as a professional and narrow down what I want to do in my career,” she said.

She attributes her success to understanding that she’s not only selling clothing – ultimately, she was selling herself as an accomplished professional.  Kendall encourages other college students to seriously consider the Classroom to Career internship program regardless of their college major.

 “Aim high and don’t underestimate the doors this internship will open for you,” she said. “If you are putting your 100 percent best effort in every single day, you will see the results without fail.”

University of Northern Iowa junior Morgan Maiers considers her most successful sales experience with Dardis on a day that she actually made zero sales. While she had meetings set up, none ended in a sale, leaving her initially discouraged before she decided to search for other prospects on foot.

“I label this as a success because I could have easily given up at that point, but instead I pressed on and gained future prospects that I made sales to in the future,” Morgan said.

Brian Thompson, a senior at the University of Chicago, began his Dardis internship worried that he wouldn’t make any corporate or personal sales. But only a few weeks later, Brian was able to secure a meeting with a high-level executive at a software company. He had low expectations on his potential return, but to Brian’s surprise, the orders kept coming in, reaching 50 items for a total corporate sale worth $5,000.

“Sales is hard work, and I heard “no” a lot through the summer,” Brian said. “But I learned that every now and then, I will hear a “yes,” and that makes it all worthwhile.  Dardis helped teach me that I should never quit before the miracle.”

Congratulations to all of our 2014 Classroom to Career interns!
We are proud to have you a part of the Dardis family.

We would like to especially congratulation our top three overall sellers based on total sales. Together, they sold more than $35,000!

Cameron James, University of Iowa, Sophomore, Team Iowa: $15,655
Fran Campbell, University of Kansas, Graduate Student, Team Kansas: $10,940
Trevor Morlock, College of St. Scholastica, Junior, Team Minnesota: $8,603

2014 Top Sellers

Dardis Academy: The Solid Foundation for Career Success

By | The Dardis difference | No Comments

As many college students turned in their final projects and exams to mark the end of the semester, another set of students hit the classroom once again even after their exams were complete. Nearly 175 students participated in the two Dardis Academy training sessions in May held in Chicago and Des Moines. Designed as an application-based, skills-drive training, this one-week intensive course prepares students for the upcoming Dardis Classroom to Career internship program and beyond.

Dardis1While thousands of young people enter the workforce every year, research shows that most college grads do not possess the skills that companies look for in candidates. A National Association of Colleges and Employers survey of more than 200 employers shows that the vast majority of employers look for candidates who are team players, problem solvers and can plan, organize and prioritize their work.  It’s the soft skills – not the textbook knowledge – that really sets candidates apart, which is what we focus on in the Academy.

We tailor the Academy based on these effective adult learning methods:

  • Interactive coaching from professional instructors
  • Strong role modeling
  • Individual practice against real-world challenges

“During the Academy, we had extensive training on presentation skills and selling techniques. I learned a lot about how I present myself, and this has already helped me outside of the internship when I’m making presentations for class, as well as talking to people in a business setting.”
– Jon S., 2012 Dardis Academy Graduate, University of Iowa

Students receive more than $6,000 worth of executive training from seasoned business professional focused on crucial topics such as:Dardis3

  • Presentation skills
  • Professional image skills
  • Selling techniques
  • Closing and negotiation skills
  • Business etiquette
  • Telephone/voicemail/email etiquette
  • Overcoming objections and handling questions
  • Product features and benefits
  • Time and territory management

Armed with these practical skills, students are prepared to succeed in our summer internship program and, most importantly, in their careers as they use their business and sales skills to first get the job and then excel in their future positions.

Dardis Key to Success: Selling and Negotiation Skills

By | The Dardis difference | No Comments

Before our summer interns head to their local communities to begin selling the Dardis product, they complete a week-long, executive-level training program to prepare them for their internship experience and most importantly, their careers. Through this unique opportunity, students learn the real-world skills that they need to succeed with Dardis and beyond. These keys to success range from presentation skills to business etiquette and more.

This month on the Dardis Academy blog, we will feature these keys to success and showcase how these skills will give students the tools they need to succeed in the workplace.

Selling techniques

Sales skills sit at the heart of business. No matter what role you currently serve in or what your career aspirations may be, your work will focus on selling something – a product, an idea or even your skills and experience. At Dardis, our product happens to be professional clothing, and we train our interns thoroughly on our product so they know the detailed features and benefits, as well as the apparel industry and the fashion trends, so that they can serve as experts during the selling process.

This foundation allows them to engage in an effective sale by first listening to the client’s needs and then providing a solution to meet their needs. Effective selling is relational, and we challenge our interns to ask the right questions and work as a partner, not an overbearing sales person. We draw upon years of experience through Dardis Communications training high-level executives to educate our interns on effective selling techniques that will close the deal.

Closing and negotiation skills

To be successful, the right selling techniques must match the right closing and negotiation skills. Very few sales are simple and straightforward, so Dardis interns learn in the Dardis Academy to effectively close their presentation and if needed, navigate through the negotiation process. We train our interns to first recommend the right sale to close the deal, and we also train them to respond to challenges that will undoubtedly arise. Negotiation skills take years to develop, so we encourage interns to see each sale as a learning opportunity, even if they don’t complete the sale.

By giving students the tools they need to successfully sell our quality Dardis attire, they can experience, first-hand, the thrill and challenge of the sales process and prepare themselves for a future career armed with this key to success.

Photo credit: Brenda-Starr via Flickr

Recruitment Manager Spotlight: Lisa DeMar

By | Someone you should know | No Comments

Recruitment Manager Lisa DeMar spreads the message about Dardis Academy in the state of Michigan, showing students that the Classroom to Career internship program provides the tools, training and real world experience to succeed in all areas of life. In our latest Recruitment Manager Spotlight, she explains why Dardis Academy is on the cutting edge:

Why should students spend time now focusing on their future careers?
It is so important for students to take full advantage of every opportunity they can during their college career to better themselves for their first steps into the real world. If they don’t take advantage of it, the student next to them will!

What is the greatest benefit of the Dardis Classroom to Career internship program?
The competitive advantage the student gains in multiple facets of life. They will walk away with excellent communication and presentation tools that will benefit them in many areas of their life, as well as the confidence of knowing that they have taken that extra step toward a successful future.

In one word, what’s Dardis all about?
Cutting edge. (Well, I guess that’s two!)

What is one piece of career advice you give to college students?
As you enter the workforce, know that there are hundreds of other equally qualified graduates vying for that same entry level job with the same tenacity. Knowing you have taken those extra steps to better yourself and your resume will give you the confidence in the interview process to stand out. The applicant who cannot articulate why they are the better candidate in the interview will not be getting the job offer!

What can interns expect to learn in the Dardis Academy?
In the Dardis Academy, the student will gain essential communication skills to succeed in life. Whether the student has modest or extravagant future goals, having the necessary skills in communication, presentation and professional image will give that student the confidence to succeed!

Why are you passionate about the Dardis mission?
Dardis has given students, at such a critical time in their lives, the opportunity to develop and attain high level communication skills and self-management tools. Obtaining these skills and having the ability to apply them in a real-world setting is crucial for overall success in life.

How can students contact you for more information?
Students in in the great state of Michigan can learn more about this exceptional opportunity by contacting me at or calling 269-330-3271.

Recruitment Manager Spotlight: Bryan Feilen

By | Someone you should know | No Comments

In our first Recruitment Manager Spotlight for 2014, Bryan Feilen describes how the Classroom to Career internship program sets the path to a successful future for students in his territory of Indiana and beyond.

Why should students spend time now focusing on their future careers?
Students should always look to gain a competitive edge, which is pertinent to gaining individual success in the future. You shouldn’t be the student that isn’t participating in anything while your peers are gaining experience.

What is the greatest benefit of the Dardis Classroom to Career internship program?
Students can use the fundamentals we provide through training in every professional avenue. Putting the fundamentals to work through the internship will display their new level of professionalism while networking with executives that they may want to work for after they graduate.  There isn’t a better way to build your professional network than through an internship that puts you in front of the people that will interview you after graduation.

In one word, what’s Dardis all about?

What is one piece of career advice you give to college students?
Don’t fall victim to complacency. Change in routine, striving for a promotion, trying something new or seeking a new job is exactly what creates success. Lastly, change is constant. Monitor the things around you and make sure they are things, people or groups that will help you move forward. Always strive to move in the direction of success.

What can interns expect to learn in the Dardis Academy?
Students can expect a rigorous week of training. Training isn’t solely focused on our great product, but mostly focused on the fundamentals of being an effective communicator. This is the key to being an outstanding leader and professional.

Why are you passionate about the Dardis mission?
The key components of our mission are the components that create successful individuals. We provide the opportunity to gain independence, confidence, goal setting and self-motivation. These are the attributes of successful individuals. These are the same components I tried to instill in students and student athletes at the high school level as a high school teacher. It’s a blessing to be a part of a company that is striving to instill these same attributes through an internship program.

How can students contact you for more information?
Please don’t hesitate to contact me directly. I’m very passionate about development and look forward to assisting students during this professional journey. My email is and phone is 317-306-0524.

What You Really Need To Know Post-College

By | Classroom to Career | No Comments

As a college student, there will come a time when you have to close the textbooks, pack up your off-campus apartment and set up shop at a job where your boss will expect you to work hard for your paycheck – everyday. The real world transcends the security of any college campus, challenging you to think differently and apply the skills and concepts you studied for four years. A graduation date will no longer loom in the distance. This is real life, and you have to be ready.

Thousands of young people enter the workforce every year, but research shows that most new college grads do not possess the skills that companies look for in candidates. One survey by the Workforce Solutions Group at St. Louis Community College finds that more than 60 percent of employers say applicants lack “communication and interpersonal skills” — an increase of 10 percentage points in just two years. Many of those managers also say today’s applicants can’t think critically and creatively, solve problems or write well.

A National Association of Colleges and Employers survey of more than 200 employers shows that the vast majority of employers look for candidates who are team players, problem solvers and can plan, organize and prioritize their work.  It’s the soft skills – not the textbook knowledge – that really set you apart from the rest, not only in the interview process but into your career.

While students inherently learn some soft skills as they work through group projects and power through assignments, they need real world experience to complement their diplomas. Valuable internship programs like the Dardis Classroom to Career program teach college students how to succeed in the business world through structured training programs focused on soft skills like communication and presentation skills.  They then give students the opportunity to hone their skills in a true work environment.

Wondering if an internship makes a difference post-college? According to a survey of more than 2,000 college students and 1,000 hiring manages, more than 80 percent of employers want new grads they hire to have completed a formal internship.  Those employers know that internships provide students with the skills they need to succeed and reward those students with career opportunities.

If you’re a current student, continue to study hard but remember that in addition to your book smarts, you’ll need real world skills and experience to succeed. That’s where we come in. Apply today.

Photo credit: mer chau via Flickr

Recruitment Manager Spotlight: Tera Edmunds

By | Someone you should know | No Comments

For Iowa Recruitment Manager Tera Edmunds, explaining the benefits of the Classroom to Career internship program to students is simple.

“What better way to spend your summer than getting paid, meeting new people, and making your resume shine?”

Dardis Academy is all of that and more – read on for more valuable information from Tera in our second recruitment manager spotlight:

What is the greatest benefit of the Dardis Classroom to Career internship program?
Not only are our students going to get high-level executive training, but they have the opportunity to apply those skills to a real-life, full-time, paid experience.  They will build their network, practice their communication skills, connect with leaders in their area and more.

What sets the Dardis internship apart from other internship opportunities?
It’s a paid opportunity for students to actually apply invaluable training to real-world experience.  No other internship can compete with our caliber of student training.  It is the competitive edge that students need to stand out from the crowd.

Why do you think it’s important for students to gain real life career experience while in college?
It is going to set students apart from other applicants.  Thousands of people are going to apply for the same position, and employers are looking for high-performing students that use their knowledge from the classroom and apply it to noteworthy experiences.  This is that noteworthy experience.  If you have the Dardis name on your resume, I guarantee that your resume will be put into the interview pile.

What Dardis intern success stories do you share with prospective interns?
One of the top-selling students from last summer already has job offers lined up.  He now has the ability to choose which path he’d like to go on because of his experience with Dardis.  As graduation draws near, some students desperately accept any position offered to them. This internship will open all kinds of doors. You will have the ability to design your future exactly how you want it.

In one word, what’s Dardis all about?

Where can students find you?
Social media platforms, campus visits, information sessions, classroom presentations and more.  I will be all over the place and always communicating so that students know when I will be visiting a campus.

How can students contact you for more information?

Contact Dardis today to learn more. Contact Us